21st July 2022

Cracking the hard start - Dealing with Self-doubt and Finding a Niche.

Intro: Playing “You Say by Lauren Daigle” in the background.

(Mental imagery: Still struggling with the rough beginnings. But God is right beside you, slowly whispering, “I love you”, “you are enough”, and “you are worthy”. You are down, but you’re comforted by His presence and reassurance).

A picture with the caption: Hi, I’m Ngozi-Olehi Munachimso, a medical student, a blockchain content writer, and your host for today.

Grab your pen and paper. Be sure to take notes. You might just get something for doing that.

Getting started as a writer can feel daunting. Yes, some people have read your work and have appreciated your masterpiece, but you still don’t feel worthy enough to be called a writer.

You’re feeling less of a writer because you’re comparing yourself to other writers who are more experienced and already have their published works speaking for them. You’re doubting your capabilities because you don’t have loud results YET.

And sometimes, you think that another person is a better writer because they have a different style of writing which you admire. Don’t rob the world of your uniqueness by trying to sound like another person. I fell into that trap a lot and had more writer’s block than I’d like to admit because I wanted to write like “so & so” person.

Self-doubt simply means you lack self-confidence in your abilities.

“You can’t do it,” “You don’t have what it takes,” “You’re just empty,” “You’re incapable” ”They’re better than you. Stop trying,” Etc.

At some point, you’ve said one or two of these sentences to yourself, especially when presented with mouth-watering opportunities.

This reflects a lack of self-esteem and that’s not pretty. You can’t win and become big as a writer with such a mentality. What you think, you become.

However, it’s impossible to become self-confident in your abilities if you’re not doing anything to drive that self-confidence. The only way to get rid of self-doubt is to stop wishing and start doing. TAKE ACTION.

Do you think you can’t write a 500-word article? Well, write one. Focus on writing the first 100 words. Write the next 100 words and go on that way till you’re done.

As a beginner, you might not write 500 or 1000 words in a day. It might take 3 days or a week. Don’t focus on the time spent just yet. Focus on finishing.

Do you feel like your article isn’t up to the set standards (whoever set the standards)? Write that article anyway. Take a day or two off after writing, then edit that article. Optimize on that by working on the feedback you received. That’s how you get better.

In the words of Sahil Bloom, “we’re all imposters until we’re not imposters”.

The only way to build confidence in a thing is to actually DO that thing.

This way, you prove to yourself and the voice inside your head that you’re very much capable and you have all you need.